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Daily Routine

Children respond well to routine. Please find below an example of our daily routine (afternoon session roughly repeats the morning session).  Our routine is subject to change if a spontaneous learning opportunity arises or other planned activity (such as an outing or visit) is taking place.

9.00  -  ARRIVAL –  Drop off is ordinarily at the gate, however parents / carers are welcome to come in to the setting to help their child settle if they wish. Children are encouraged to place their bags, coats and lunch boxes in the appropriate places.

9.15 to 9.30 – CIRCLE TIME - Children are gathered into a large group and are informed of the planned activities, how and where these can be accessed. Visitors are introduced. At circle time children are invited to show items of interest or significance from home and tell the group about these.

9.30 – 11.30 – LEARNING THROUGH PLAY / PLANNED FOCUS ACTIVITY – Children are able to self select activities and materials and engage in learning through play, supported by trained staff.  Staff will develop children’s learning through play, building on previous experiences and knowledge.  Staff also provide planned activities which provide the ‘next steps’ in children’s learning based on observation. Access to the outdoor area is also made readily available and children are encouraged to wear waterproof clothing during wet weather.

9.50 to 10.30 – SNACK TIME – Snack time runs parallel to play and runs for 40 minutes to allow children to finish their activities before coming to snack.  Each week we offer a choice of healthy snacks such as fruit, vegetables, breadsticks, sandwiches etc. The snack routine may change for special events.

11.30 to 11.45 – TIDY UP TIME – Children are encouraged to participate in the tidying of all activities and resources, both inside and out.  If the children are outside after tidying up they are escorted inside and assembled at the door for a headcount before outdoor access is closed.

11.45 to 11.55 – CIRCLE TIME/ KEY GROUP TIME – Children and staff come together at the end of the session or divide into key groups to participate in a group activity, such as story telling, singing, dancing, games or talking.

11.55 to 12.00 – HOME TIME – Children gather their coats and bags and line up inside the doors.  A member of staff releases each child only when they see their parent/carer is waiting at the gate. At the end of a session, staff will update you on your child's morning or day and you will have the opportunity to ask any questions. 

Day Trips and Outings

We love an opportunity to take the children out of the setting for a fun day out or just a walk around the village to see something of interest or even to post handmade cards from the children to their families. Day trips are always risk assessed beforehand and parents / carers are invited to come along to join in the fun! 

Unfortunately, due to Covid-19 restrictions, day trips were on hold during 2020 and 2021, but we hope to resume them again very soon!

Copyright 2012 Shipdham Playgroup. This website is wholly designed and managed by Shipdham Playgroup.

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