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Our Outfit

We are very proud of all that we have on offer to engage and stimulate.Children can move freely between indoor play areas and activities and our wonderful outdoor play and forest school areas.

About us

At Shipdham Preschool we take pride in providing a fun and engaging setting with a broad range of both group and individual activities, where children can develop, socialise and have fun! 


Pre-school is open Mon to Fri during term time. Core hours are 9-3, however we also provide flexible wraparound care from 7:00 until 5:00.

Mornings Session, Afternoon Session and flexi hours available. 

Meet our staff

Meet our qualified, caring and experienced staff. We have staff trained in special educational needs, sign language, speech and language development and behavior management.


Privately funded and fully or part government funded places are available. Find out more about funding and whether your child may be eligible.


Annette and Emily have set up Shipdham Sprouts, a drop in group for parents/carers and their under 4s to socialise and play. The Sprouts meet every Wednesday during term time, 9:30 - 11:30 at Bullock Park Pavillion, Shipdham. 


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Copyright 2012 Shipdham Playgroup. This website is wholly designed and managed by Shipdham Playgroup.

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